When the reason for the hospitalization of the patients is examined; The first three diseases are myocardial infarction, heart failure, and arrhythmia, respectively. In the study conducted by Kutlu et al.
5 the reasons for hospitalization were myocardial infarction, heart failure, and hypertension. Çam et al.
20 reported that among patients who were in intensive care, it was observed that they received 8.67 points from the subdimension of anxiety and 9.36 points from the subdimension of depression in the same way as our study. Similar results were obtained in our study, which supports the findings of the mentioned study. In a study conducted in intensive care, patients were found to score 12.1 points from the subdimension of anxiety and 11.5 points from the subdimension of depression
6. The results of our study and the results of the current study support each other, and the anxiety score in our study was 9.18±3.41 in female individuals and the mean of male patients is 7.48±3.5.
In terms of gender-basedmean, it was determined that the mean points of female patients for in terms of anxiety and depression were higher than those of male patients with significant levels. Sarigul’s19 study found that anxiety and depression were higher in female patients. Similarly, anxiety and depression levels were shown to be significantly greater in female patients in a study of patients in a cardiology critical care unit5. Similar to our study, it was shown that women experienced higher levels of anxiety in studies done in the intensive care unit21,6. The structural characteristics, family and social position, and cultural characteristics of female patients can cause women to become more prone to depression.
The rate of depression was found higher in patients aged over 60 in our study. In other studies, similar to our study, it was observed that the predisposition to depression increased as age increased 22,23. Increased fear of death and feelings of loneliness in later life is thought to cause depression to become more common in older age.
When examined for marital status, the rate of depression was found higher in patients whose spouses had died or were divorced. The mean anxiety score of patients whose spouses died or divorced was higher but was not statistically significant. In a similar study, single patients were found to score higher than the depression subdimension19. Similarly, in the study of Buldan et al.24 single patients were found to have higher anxiety and depression scores. It is thought to be easier for those who are married to cope emotionally with their illness thanks to the familial and social support they receive.
In our study, the mean scores of primary school graduates and undergraduate patients with anxiety and depression, were significantly higher. Similar to our work, other studies found that the mean of primary school graduates and undergrads or non-literate authors was higher in anxiety and depression points5,19.
Anxiety, and depression, score means were higher in patients who stated that any stress condition existed. Psychological stressors are known to increase susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases and need to be more sensitive about psychological support if patients have any stress. In our study, the mean anxiety score of patients with poor perceptions of health conditions was higher.
Patients admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of hypertension were found to have a higher mean anxiety score. In the study of Kutlu et al.5 it was observed that the mean anxiety score was higher in patients who had myocardial infarction. Patients who expressed poor perception of health conditions had higher mean scores of depression, and anxiety.
The limitations of this study should be taken into account when interpreting the findings. The study may need to be replicated with bigger samples due to the tiny sample size employed. Questionnaires and qualitative research techniques can be utilized to better understand how patients perceive and feel anxiety and depression.