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[ Ana Sayfa | Editörler | Danışma Kurulu | Dergi Hakkında | İçindekiler | Arşiv | Yayın Arama | Yazarlara Bilgi | E-Posta ] |
Fırat Tıp Dergisi |
2006, Cilt 11, Sayı 3, Sayfa(lar) 185-186 |
[ Turkish ] [ Tam Metin ] [ PDF ] |
Foot-Drop Following Vertebroplasty: Case Report |
Burak Orhan BORAN |
Anadolu Çınar Hastanesi, Nöroşirürji, İSTANBUL |
Objectives: Percutaneous vertebroplasty is a common and effective procedure in the treatment of compression fractures. In this paper, a patient presenting with foot-drop following vertebroplasty is presented.
Case: A 71-year-old male patient was admitted with the complaints of radicular pain in the left leg and left foot-drop. His past medical history reveled that he had undergone vertebroplasty 3 months ago, due to L4 compression fracture. Computed tomography demonstrated polymethylmethacrylate leak and left L5 root compression. The patient was operated and the material was removed via left L5 hemilaminectomy and 1/3 medial facetectomy. Conclusion: Percutaneous vertebroplasty is a highly effective procedure in the treatment of compression fractures. On the other hand, polymethylmethacrylate leak is a common occurrence during the procedure. Because of the fact that, it rarely manifests any clinical signs, the condition is generally ignored. This case also indicates that, appropriate imaging should be performed, if radicular pain develops following vertebroplasty and surgery should be performed as indicated.©2006, Fırat Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi |
[ Turkish ] [ Tam Metin ] [ PDF ] |
[ Ana Sayfa | Editörler | Danışma Kurulu | Dergi Hakkında | İçindekiler | Arşiv | Yayın Arama | Yazarlara Bilgi | E-Posta ] |